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Visitation Update

The resumption of visitation is (among other things) based on no positive cases of COVID-19 among the staff or residents. This threshold of "1 positive" is in place regardless of the community infection rate and has not changed from prior resumption of visitation requirements from the state. This "1 positive" rule does not take into account whether an individual was positive in a prior period, whether everyone else tests negative or if follow up testing reveals the individual is Covid-19 negative--there are no exceptions.

Unfortunately, we had 1 positive staff result (non-symptomatic) from the most recent routine mass-testing of employees-- and because of that, we cannot resume in-person visitation for at least 14 days, this reflects a positivity rate of approximately .006%.

We realize this will cause frustration and we are seeking more safety-focused flexibility with visitation. We have developed a detailed visitation resumption process document and will be uploading this plan to Notify (in addition to sending out via mail)-- in preparation for the resumption of visitation in the relatively near future.

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