As mentioned in the most recent update (Visitation Update #2) regarding visitation, we have been waiting for approval from the NY Department of Public Health (DOH) to allow easing of restricted visitation.
Despite reaching our milestone last week ( 28 days of no positive cases with residents/patients or staff), we unfortunately have still not received a confirmation from DOH that we can move forward with allowing visitation (on a modified basis). This delay in confirmation is a result of an issue with the electronic database that the state and skilled nursing facilities (like AOH) use to enter and compile data regarding COVID-19 cases, among other things.
Specifically, it is our understanding that there is an issue within this system that goes by test result date versus the actual test/collection date-- this is creating an issue with our 28 day count and the one indicated in the state database. We are working to address this concern with the state so that they can correct the issue-- and we are hopeful we will be able to resolve it soon. Other than that, AOH is ready to implement its new modified visitation program and process out for families/ loved ones.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, we will continue to update you as we work through these current issues.