Over the past two weeks, we have seen a significant downward trend with any residents experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. However, we must continue to "keep the pedal down" with continued strong efforts centered around infection control prevention and control--remaining vigilant is our focus priority:
This includes (but not limited to):
Continued and stringent requirements for usage of Personal Protective Equipment
Enhanced/ supplementary frequency of cleaning by a third party commercial cleaning company
Using remote tele-health via our tele-medicine robot to allow our physicians to see residents when needed off-hours
Placement of H13 HEPA (Medical Grade) Air Purifier Systems throughout the building
Screening/temps of all staff members on every shift
Cohorting Covid positive patients in a specific area/wing
Continuing to obtain PPE (personal protective equipment) to build inventory stocks
This past week we had an infection control inspection by the Department of Health (WC County) as part of an overall inspection/enforcement process that is occurring throughout the state. The inspection concluded with no systematic or major concerns/findings.