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The purpose of this program is to facilitate calls/skype/Face Time sessions between residents and their loved ones during a period of restricted visitation.

An Andrus on Hudson email account has been created to request a time to speak either on the phone or via Skype/Face Time with our residents.



Loved ones can request a telephone conversation, skype/face time appointment with their family member via They must provide their telephone number, Face Time account information or Skype account information as applicable. Currently hours of availability are 9 AM - 5 PM daily.

These requests/emails will be monitored by the Community Life Department and the Social Services Department. If a loved one wishes to request a session outside of those times AOH staff will do their best to accommodate this need.

Staff will utilize the resident’s room telephone or an AOH provided Kindle/Ipad to facilitate the calls.

o The equipment will be wiped down and sanitized after each use.

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